Monday 21 February 2011

Winners of the Poster Competition!

In Monday's lecture, The Spine Team were announced the winners of the Poster competition which we were very pleased about. It means that our poster will be displayed all around Coventry promoting the Fashion Show and can go in our Portfolios. We have seen the final version of the poster on Facebook, and by the looks of it they've made it a bit lighter and added a few more logos to the bottom which shows they liked the design as a whole - Here is the final design:

It will be really good to see our design around Coventry, and will definitely be looking out for it. I have already seen the design featured at 54 (The SU) on the door for people to see when coming through the door:

Other Updates:
For the website, I have come up with a few ideas to show to the team tomorrow for us to discuss. I think this meeting before Thursday will be a good opportunity for us to discuss the  main theme and colour schemes. This is what I have so far:

 Hopefully from this, we will be able to decide on a design that we can use on all our pages. Or develop it further to work for everyone.

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