Monday 7 February 2011

Very Pleased :)

This evening I'm very pleased with myself, I have completed everything on my to-do list and even more. Went to Wilkos and bought the props I needed: envelopes and salt and pepper shakers (like Diner style ones).

However, one thing I did learn today was how frustrated I get with myself. Before I went out to buy my props, I tried to do some simple designs on Photoshop to get me going and I ended up being really angry with myself because I couldn't resize the image properly. In the end I just felt like I needed to get out, but I ended up being quite down walking around, but when I was in the library and looking at China Designs I started to feel better.

I needed the time away from my desk to collect my thoughts and channel them into a design, now I've ended up with 3 designs that are half decent. Nothing particularly amazing but it is something to show at the critique tomorrow that i'm not completely embarrassed about!

Now I'm going to concentrate on my sketchbook and showing how I've come to the ideas I'm presenting tomorrow, as well as putting in the research I've collected today.

All in all successful day.
Just wish everyday was like it.

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