Friday 11 February 2011

One Day Project - TwistedFashion

Yesterday we took part in a one day project/competition with a client to produce an advertising poster and flyer for a Fashion Show. The fashion show was organised by to promote fair-trade clothing. The winning group would have their design published around Coventry promoting the event.

First of all, we were asked to listen to the client introduction and make notes - These notes would then be used as part of the brief. I think this was a good idea as it made us listen to the client and pick up on things we felt were important - which is a good skill to have as a graphic designer.

I worked with my Spine Team, which was a good training for us as we were able to bounce ideas off each other and work as a team in preparation/continuation of our group project. We came up with the idea of using the man from the fair-trade logo and changing it into a woman. For the project, we could not use images off the internet or copyrighted images. This was a huge change for us as we easily go on the internet and use pictures in our designs without even knowing. It felt almost like having a handicap in the design process, which is weird to say. However, it was a huge lesson as when we get into the industry we can't use other people's work.

We decided to draw the simple shape in Illustrator, which I did. The team all felt that I had done a good job which made me feel better because previous attempts at Illustrator did not go down very well. Here is the outline I drew:
We wanted the figure to look as though it had been sketched without drawing it and scanning it into the computer. Drawing the figure on illustrator allowed us to easily remove the background so that we could work with it on Photoshop for the poster and flyer.

The rest of the team got on with the poster design, all of our inputs were taken into consideration and everyone got a say in the final design. We wanted to continue some of the design features from the previous poster so people would recognise it was the same event. Here is the previous poster:

We looked at this poster and discussed the main aspects we liked the most, this included the important information in bigger letters and the way the information was set out. In the brief, the client stated that they wanted orange to appear on the poster so that when people looked at it, they would be able to tell it was their poster design. Later on in the day, they decided that we could chose whatever colours we wanted after someone asked why they chose orange. We decided to stick with it, as it was part of the brief and the client may feel that ours had more continuity about it. We wanted to adapt ideas from the poster and make them into something new. 

After the poster was designed on Photoshop I made the flyer by re-arranging the information slightly and using the woman figure more. The poster and flyer both looked like they were for the same event which was the main idea. I feel like I had a good input into the designing and outcome, I felt that everyone else's efforts were on par with this and we made an excellent team. No-one slacked off and the job was done on time.

This is the final poster design:

This was our final flyer design:

 We found that when we printed the poster off the first time it turned out very dark, we think this was due to the background being to dark and orange. When the team realised this I changed the background of the flyer to make it much lighter and a more grey colour, I also adjusted the lighting of the figure which made the flyer a lot more fresher looking. If we had time, we would have altered the poster's brightness a lot more but we had to meet the deadline and show the client the design on time. I suppose they could get a better idea of what we could do from the flyer, and if we won, we could edit the poster to have the same bright feel as the flyer.

All in all, we had a good day, it was nice to work in the studio all day and spend some time with my group. I had a really enjoyable day even if we don't win the competition, and it was my first experience of working with a proper client on a project that could have some of my ideas published for the first time.

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