Monday 7 February 2011

One-Day Action Plan

Tomorrow, I have a critique for one design that I have created so far, I found this out last night when I saw on Facebook that everyone on my course was suddenly doing work? So I checked Moodle and it turns out we have a lot of work to do!

As well as finishing off my action plan from last week, I have to come up with one finished design. I want to beat this and come up with 2 - 1 involving imagery and concept, and the 2nd one just using typography to display the message.

So today's action plan:

1. Look over previous design visuals, maybe add to this with new designs.
2. Go to the library and return books which are due today, then find some research and books about Advertising in China
3. Go to Wilkinsons and buy objects that can be photographed, i.e. Envelopes
4. Come back and do designs.

I'm hoping that I can do all the points in my action plan, if I feel like I can't, I either pull an all nighter or just stick to one design!

Hope I can do it :/

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