Thursday 28 October 2010

The Black Country Museum

In Mid-October we went to the Black Country Museum to aid our packaging project in the Visual Communication module.

On the day, we could look round all the old fashioned shops including the bakery and sweet shops. These were interesting to see and photograph as the design is so different to now. During the day, after bumping into the tutors a remark was made that, "these photographs will be worth a lot in your third year!"
Made me think that these photographs will not only aid the packaging project, but help to put other designs into context.

Whilst there we also went in the mines underground, had to wear some very fetching hats:

As you can see we had lots of fun!

All in all it was an interesting day where I did learn about Victorian times and how they used to live. It was also a very good bonding activity with my new friends on the course.

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