Saturday 4 December 2010

Too many ideas..

The other day, I felt I needed to have a conversation with Phil about the project 'Letterbox'. I was getting frustrated with having several ideas for lots of news stories and I felt like I needed someone to guide me. I presented him with several ideas, two with drawings and annotations - These were the ideas that I felt had the most direction and scope for the project.

The first idea involved a murder in the woods. I thought about using hair extensions wrapped up in the trees of the woods. This idea then evolved into the letter form being made out of the branches, twisted like a fairytale. Phil suggested that looking at fairytales would help me add concept to the idea which would make the design stronger. I liked the idea of looking at fairytales, I was just struggling with how I would find branches that would twist and curve inside such a small box?

The second idea involved using cigarettes as a letterform inside the box, which Phil suggested I use animal fat coming out of the cigarettes - this disgusted me at first but it got me thinking of how I could improve the design and make it seem more interesting/similar to the story. Then I started thinking, how can I make it less disgusting for myself and thought of using geletine. So I conducted a little experiment of using geletine, then seeing if it would stay in the same position after it had been set in the fridge. The picture below shows this was a success.

After sketching a few ideas after the conversation with Phil, I thought that the cigarrette idea would give me the most to work with and the best idea. I liked the fact that I wasn't told which idea I should do, I was given a choice on which project I would like to do.

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