Friday 7 October 2011

First week back at Uni

It's Friday today, the end of my first week of year 2 at uni. Thank god it's over!
I have today off, but from now on i'm in practically everyday apart from Fridays. I suppose i'd rather have this schedule than have more time off in the week and work fridays :/

So this week i've got my timetable and that for the rest of the year, now realising that all the modules for the year have to be completed by the beginning of March. Oh dear.

At the moment, i've got a brief on Social Posters where I have to choose a social issue and create a static, moving and interactive poster. God knows how i'm going to cope with flash! It was such a nightmare coping with HTML coding last year and I just think that maybe integrated/multimedia design is not for me! Maybe I should make it a 'new academic year resolution'. I should probably make lots of these in hope of actually keeping them. I also have a live brief with a client which involves redesigning their logo which was not the most tastefully designed. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting into the briefs!

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