Tuesday 3 May 2011

Last Post?

This is my last entry before submitting the blog to be marked.
In a way i'm really sad, but this doesn't mean the end for my blogging. I can't believe how useful I have found it and how much I have enjoyed documenting different aspects of my life. It's even spurred me on to try Tumblr and make a more personal blog which I think will help me grow as a person.

So, in the last year I believe I have achieved many things.
First of all, i've nearly finished the first year of university, this time last year I was worrying about A-Level exams and a prom dress! Now i'm finishing the final module and am a third of the way to gaining my degree in Graphic Design. These next 2 years are going to fly by, be gone before I know it. But I am always going to have my blog to look back on and remind me how much i've grown in 3 years, how i've gone from a shy girl with little confidence about her work to what I finally end up being. 

The question is, what do I want to be when i'm out of uni?
My mum went to see a clairvoyant a couple of weeks ago who said I was going to do a Masters Degree. I thought about this when she told me and thought that this is another year or two paying university fees where I could be out in the industry gaining experience, doesn't matter whether or not it's paid - This is what I need to do in order to build myself and my portfolio more. I'm glad my mum said this to me though, because it did make me stop and think for a second about what I want to do when I leave university, I definitely think that my job searching in previous posts is certainly going to make the process easier!

At the beginning of January when I bought my mac, I set myself a challenge to be more confident and efficient in the design programmes I bought with the mac. The computer sessions with Pete were probably the most important lessons I learned this year. Without them I would not have been able to complete work up to a good standard. I also I think that completing my modules using all the different programmes has definitely helped me to improve my skills as well as what I have done in my own time. Some evenings I just sat there drawing shapes in illustrator to get used to the pen tool. Now, nearing the end of the year I can say that I can use these programmes, something I might not have been able to say if I hadn't of bought my mac. It has changed the way I design.

I also believe that I am more able to time manage now, especially after learning how I deal with deadlines the best - with to-do lists with a crossing off system. I have also started dating the crossing outs so that I can see the progress i've made.

This year has definitely changed my life, and now there is actually no going back to it, designing is here to stay!

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