Thursday, 28 April 2011

Second Peer Review Day

Today we had a peer review where we put together what we had done so that the rest of the group could give feedback. The main aim of the day was to get feedback of our designs but it was also a chance to see how people used and reacted to our websites - where they clicked and their frustrations with the layout.

Some of the feedback was positive but there was also some negative points.
"Looks like a public toilet"
This was quite nasty, but still gave us an idea of what people thought about our website.
Other comments were more useful as people seemed to be confused about how our pages linked together and the transition of the whole website.

After the session ended, we decided that our original design needed to change as it was too big and clumsy for the webpage. We decided to have a conversation with Phil where we decided that we needed to change the size of the links as they were overpowering and it was suggested that we think about having a gap on both sides of the iframe like Facebook. We also decided to create a banner using the station titles found in tube stations. I think these changes will make our website look more professional rather than something put together using simple HTML. These small changes have definitely boosted our confidence as a team and we've got a steady direction to head in. This is the idea for our new website layout:

After we decided on the new layout, I felt like our group was a lot happier - We had a direction to go in that was definite, not an unsure design. So I have a feeling we're going to be picking up the pace a bit and really getting on with the project for the last two weeks before the deadline. I think this session was really needed to get us straight and i'm very happy with the result of it. 

I've also figured out, eventually, that I don't work well with action plans.
I think I work better with to-do lists where I can cross of individual tasks without getting too stressed about finishing things by a certain day. So for the next 2 weeks i'm going to use a to-do list created from the action plan me and the group created in the session.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Reflection of the Design in Context Module

For the Design in Context Module I received 62. Earlier on in the blog I said that I wanted an equal or better mark for this project, so when I saw that I had 62 I felt a little bit disappointed.

When reading the feedback sheet the positive comments made me smile and realise that I have actually done a good job. Whenever I get a bad mark or negative feedback on this course I take it quite badly - inside, I don't show it - but this really boosted my confidence. The negative feedback was positive for me in a way as I could really see how it was going to help me in the future.

One of the big differences I have felt in this module is that I have communicated more with tutors and the other students. Asking their opinions and attending peer review days, making changes accordingly. It has really helped me to develop my work and create more stages in my design progress. This will definitely be continuing, especially when I get into the work place.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Should we all just state the obvious?

Since completing my essay using the words of Beatrice Warde, I've come to realise that most design decisions are based on that one theory... Is simple design the best?

This merchandise is referred to as "State of the Obvious" and was created by Mash Creative. It suggests on the item exactly what it is in that bold white on black text. It's very effective because it is so obvious, but the way the text has been kerned and positioned makes it an excellent piece of design. Almost reminds me of the simplicity of the I <3 NY design. Although I don't think it will have the same impact on the world as that design did!

I want this notebook.

Monday, 11 April 2011

New Action Plan

New action plan for me I think, I don't think I can work properly or feel inspired about my own work unless I know exactly what I'm doing - worrying and needs to change.

By the end of the week:
  • Experimented with code and improvements
  • Know exactly what needs to be on each of my individual pages and perhaps design how it would be laid out with images etc.
  • Design some layouts for printed artefact, think about what is going to be said in it.
By the end of next week:
  • Completed all the designs and writing for each of my individual pages.
  • Developed printed artefact ready for feedback.
By the end of the holidays:
  • Tried out designs in the HTML using the proper coding.
Hopefully this will get done, if not I will be in serious trouble as the deadline is only 2-3 weeks after we return from Easter. 

Friday, 8 April 2011

Designer Toothbrushes?

These designer toothbrushes just appealed to me, made me think why would people want to buy a designer toothbrush? No-one sees these toothbrushes and it's not something you would take out and wear on your head for people to compliment. Yet someone has taken the time to design them as quirky and new so that people will buy them. Everything from the scenery they have been photographed in to the colour of them. Even the little bristles on the head have a little design on them, when all we would do is put toothpaste on it. They have even come up with concepts to suit people's personalities, extreme and forest - when in actual fact these toothbrushes do not have any functions that suit extreme people and their lifestyle. It goes to show that publicising and marketing these toothbrushes as 'designer' with the artistic approaches and concepts. Maybe anything can be buttered up to look like the next big thing, but when analysing it further there can be many reasons why it seems stupid really..

Monday, 4 April 2011

15 Minutes of Fame!

On Saturday I was lucky enough to be selected for the 'Happy Hundred' in Ant and Dec's Push The Button!

My boyfriend and I decided to make a day of it as the studio was down in London, it was his first time in London and little things like being on the tube really excited him! London seems to do that to people, even myself as I have only been a handful of times - It has a feeling to it of coolness! This is probably how most people feel as it seems to be a completely different lifestyle. Or maybe it's just us because we don't live in a big city!

During the day we saw the usual sights of Big Ben, Trafalgar Square etc. I really wanted to see what Tate Modern had on show but we didn't have time. Instead we went to the Imperial War Museum, his choice not mine! It was interesting at first, but as I had done history at school and studied around the subject, i'd already seen quite a lot of things before. Luckily photography was acceptable and I took some interesting photos of the planes on display in the main entrance:

It was really busy in the museum, but looking around at everyone I realised that no-one was looking up and admiring these planes. I thought these imperfect shots showed snippets of what people could see if they took the time to look and realise it. Maybe I could apply this to my own design, think about the less obvious things and make people realise them.

Later on in the day we went to the TV studios and after waiting for a while in the preparation area we were allowed to take our seats. As soon as I walked in I think my jaw actually dropped, I was amazed at all the equipment they used and the amount of people working on the crew! We weren't allowed to use our phones when we sat down and everyone was asked to turn them off so that vibrations could not be heard by the microphones. It was so amazing to see how they filmed live television, what they did in preparation, how they viewed things and got the audience to interact with the show. During the breaks and before the show we had an entertainer who was hilarious and really got the audience going. We were told at every opportunity to smile, especially being in the Happy Hundred we were more likely to be on the TV. You don't think about how much work goes into making these things happen when you're watching it at home, the adverts seem to last for ages. But for the people on the set the adverts seem like seconds to prepare for the whole show.


I'm literally a metre away from Ant!
It was an amazing experience to see the workings of a TV show that i'm not going to forget.